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The chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some trails left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by government officials. This theory is not accepted by the scientific community, which states that they are just normal contrails, and that there is no scientific evidence supporting the chemtrail theory.


leftist sacred cows like disability for instance? Right. I think I know of some Baptists you might get along with really well – they’ve been blaming this on homosexuality too


People who legally carry a concealed pistol are among the most law abiding and peaceful people in the U.S. I’m glad to see silly restrictions on them removed; it’s not as if the criminals care or followed them.


You saved me a lot of hassle just now.


live at a busy intersection and are under constant threat of road expansion. It is sometimes a hard way to live. We always question improvements to the house, knowing that one day it might all be for not.


That’s true Stephen, except for one thing. Only you, me, and maybe three other people would have understood that! But you’re right, it would have worked well.Grazie tanto!Matt


Thanks for the reminder about the blog hop! I saw your post in my google reader and went ahead and added a recipe. I've been wanting to particpate in a blog hop. This looks yummy. Have a good day on Tuesday!


I definitely love a good book and a well organized book shelf! Much like you, I organize with a little of this, a little of that and constantly re-arrange the shelves. Agreed: great post.


Well, it’s been over two years since the enactment of Obamacare, and we’ve found out a lot. Not only are the provisions currently in place falling short; the promises made about the health care law look to be broken. Here are five of them.


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